Improving Productivity
in Online Piano Classes
Getting the same in-person experience during distance learning

For Students
Search the list of tutors or invite your piano teacher to a specially designed virtual classroom.

For Tutors
Set available time slots, upload sheet music. Enjoy the feeling of being in classroom.

Invite your piano teacher
Experience in-personal environment online together with your piano teacher to achieve better results. No more awkward gadget set ups.
Book a lesson
Manage your time by booking lessons. Easy to check when your tutor has some free time slots and book the time that suits you.

Store your sheet music
Attach sheet music when planning lessons. Your sheet music is in one place. No need to waste time looking for notes during the lesson.
Take advantage of the Suoni virtual classroom
Maintain online all the interactions you had during your in-person lessons. Fully interactive whiteboard and hand view on one screen.

Why Suoni
Online education is convenient and affordable. Suoni makes it even more enjoyable and less stressful because you have all the personal communication just like in private lessons. A specially designed virtual classroom makes online piano lessons easy, unlocking possibilities that you didn’t have in standard video conferencing applications. A correct view of the hands and whiteboard helps you immediately correct mistakes and increase the productivity of your online lessons. The built-in library saves time when preparing lessons. The schedule tells you when your tutor is available so you can book your time.
How do I find a tutor for my online piano lessons?
You can contact a tutor from the list of available tutors, or search for a tutor by category or name and then book available time slots.
How can I use Suoni if I already have a piano teacher?
You can ask your teacher to join as a tutor, set available time slots, and make the profile searchable. After you find your tutor
in the list of available tutors, book a time slot and have your lesson in the Suoni virtual classroom.
Can I use Suoni instead of ZOOM for my online piano lessons?
Absolutely, You can book a time with your piano tutor and use the Suoni virtual classroom for online piano lessons.
How can I see my hands above the piano keyboard in my virtual classroom?
You can attach a second mobile device to the stand as a second camera and place it above the piano keyboard so you can see your hands on the screen.
How can I set up a secondary camera?
You can open Suoni on another mobile device, go to the virtual classroom for that lesson, and set that device up so that you can see your hands above the keyboard on the screen.
How do I open sheet music in the virtual classroom?
You can upload your sheet music to your library and attach it at the lesson page. This sheet music will be available
in the Suoni virtual classroom for this lesson.
Sign up. Be first to try Suoni

Knowing how difficult it is to teach piano online, our goal was to create tools that teachers could use to communicate with students online at the same level as in face-to-face classes. For this reason, we have developed a Suoni virtual classroom where multiple cameras can be easily set up and positioned so that students’ hands can be seen comfortably. The interactive whiteboard lets you draw on each page of the sheet music, save it, and view your notes after class. The timetable shows when a teacher is available so the student can reserve a time slot. No need to waste time looking for notes. You simply attach it to the lesson page and open it during the lesson.